Friday, September 7, 2012

Home Sweet Home

Welcome to Meishanyuan building 15!!
Note: my apartment is the topmost windows on the right :)

So now for a quick overview of my new living situation for the next year, complete with loads of pictures!! So a bit of background on my apartment, it has three bedrooms (one large, one medium, and one that is pretty small), one kitchen that is connected to an outdoor laundry area, one bathroom, a largish living room area, and a nice size balcony. Since Catherine and I are the only people living here, this means we have a spare bedroom for any guests that come! The apartment is on the fourth floor of building 15 in the Meishanyuan Apartment Compound located in the Meilin area of Futian District, which means it is north of most of the financial buildings and bustle of the downtown area. Meilin is a really nice residential area, where a lot of middle class Chinese families live. The area has tons of trees, and most of the buildings are residential, so our apartment is a bit far from most nightlife, and the metro. My apartment is located about 10-15 minutes from a Carrefour (a French version of Wal-Mart/Grocery store), 20 minutes walk from the closest metro (Xiangmei North), and is right across from a massive Agricultural Market. Overall the location isn’t so bad, but it is a bit far from my school, since it is a 20 minute car ride or a 30-40 minute bus ride, but overall it isn’t so bad.

Apartment 404 (my apartment)

Now for a few of the quirks, that comes with any apartment in China!!! Ok, so my apartment was actually decently supplied (in fact in some ways it is oversupplied) and everything worked, compare to many other people’s apartments. So what I mean by my apartment being oversupplied, is that I have not one, not two, but that’s right… three refrigerators (of course it needs to be mentioned that only one of them works!) The apartment also has two tvs on identical tv stands (of which one works), and two microwave machines (of which one works). Furthermore, there is also a new in box microwave, new in box television, and what seems to be a new in box washing machine (although I don’t know why we have these, since its not like appliances usually go on a buy one get one half price sale!) So our apartment is MORE than adequately supplied!!

Living Room

Overall the apartment is pretty comfortable as the air-conditioning units in the bedrooms work really well, our hot water heater works, we have a western toilet (unlike some people who have squat toilets [and are getting them replaced, because our contract states that we are to have a western toilet]), we also have a ton of books from previous teachers, a decent futon couch for the living room, tons of hangers, lots of cooking pots, bowls, utensils, and one rather grimy hot plate (which has since been replaced with a brand new one, because the old one broke J )

Our kitchen (Note that it hasn't been cleaned or organized yet)

Our bathroom (again it hasn't yet been cleaned)

The few minor annoyances, are that the beds are large, but hard (why, China, why can you not produce softer beds?!?!) Also, its not like we don’t have enough room in our apartment, but why leave all the broken things in the apartment??? Finally, we have curtains, but they are not very dark, and do a piss-poor job of blocking the morning sun, but seriously this isn’t a big deal (I just like to complain, lol)

All in all I’m pretty happy with my apartment, and the school has been really good, about supplying brand new sheets, a brand new pillow, and making sure everything works, and they taught us how to use the washing machine and tv!! Oh and I almost forgot to mention the highlight of the apartment, the holiest of holy grails…. We have WIFI!!!!! (my excitement knew no bounds when I found this out ;) ) Not only do we have wifi, but it is fast and I’ve been able to stream video and easily access my email ect (which after being deprived of decent internet access, at all the hotels we stayed at, this was amazing!!) Anyways, so I know the apartment looks a little sad in some of the pictures, but with a thorough cleaning, and some decoration of pictures or whatever, I think that it will look really good in a month or so :D 

And of course this post would not be complete without proof of our three refrigerators!! ;)

Finally in the Promised Land (aka Shenzhen)!!!

Alright, so I’m definitely behind on the blog posts L and if you know me at all, that definitely isn’t a surprise lol!! Anyways, so some quick updates following my oh so lovely train ride. We arrived in Shenzhen, and boarded more tour buses that took us through a dark and windy path to our hotel in Shenzhen (which is kinda Shenzhen weird considering Shenzhen is a giant city full of lights, but I digress) The hotel was MUCH nicer than the one in Beijing!!!! It had softer mattresses (although only slightly, as apparently the Chinese like to sleep on rocks, don’t ask me why!??!) and the shower was amazing, as you can see from the pictures below ;)

This room looked far nicer when we first saw it!

So the bathroom definitely looks better in person :p

View from our room is pretty relaxing, and makes me feel like I'm not really in Shenzhen!

Day 1: August 20th – Arrival day J Helloooo Shenzhen!!!!

So we arrived at the hotel around 9:30/10 PMish, and were of course told that we needed to meet in the entrance at 7 AM the next day to find out what we were doing… yay (blatant sarcasm) On the bright side there was a strange buffet “dinner” for us when we got there. This buffet included some small cake squares, fruit, dinner rolls, and the highlight of the meal…wait for it… French fries!!! (and a weird kind of French toast that apparently had peanut butter in it??) There was basically bare knuckle brawling for the French fries, but eventually everyone got some. We all guess that this is what the hotel thought westerners liked to eat, not surprising, but we were all very happy J

Saw this underneath our bedside table... pretty sure it is for fire, but who knows...

Day 2: August 21st – Health Check Day

7 am: Wake up and get dressed in teacher clothes, since they are necessary for police interviews… yay :/ Anyways, head downstairs to find out that I just woke up for nothing!!! Aghhhhh!!! Seriously CTLC, I could have slept in, since Futian District (my district) had nothing scheduled until 1:30 PM (oh I wanted to cry at that moment) However, being my extremely mature self, I just trudged with the rest of the group to the restaurant to get breakfast (which was far better than the preceding night!!) Breakfast consisted of, fruit, noodles, rice, and a variety of Chinese dishes that weren’t half bad! After, that I basically headed back up to my room, flipped on the tv, quickly discovered trying to understand the Chinese shows was too much, and instead opted for taking a nap J

1:30 pm: Time to go to the hospital for the foreigner medical check!!! Yay!!! (again, I hope the sarcasm is evident) This was a very interesting procedure… It consisted of several parts, x-ray, blood draw, urine sample, ultrasound, ECG and a general eye, blood pressure, and weight check. This entire process was extremely crowded, not super organized, yet in total took less than two hours. After the health check, we headed back to the hotel, where we had the lovely surprise of getting our picture taken, as we were obviously looking our best following the hospital visit lol!
The we had the rest of the day free, and most people just chilled with friends, before dinner (of which there was more, pretty decent, Chinese food)

Day 3: August 22nd- Police Day

Ok, so this day was really chill, as the only thing that was planned for my group, was the CTLC wide police lecture at 3 PM. So of course I began my day by sleeping in, then getting food, and then getting to read my book and just chill. As 3 PM rolls around we all head down to this big conference room, where I somehow end up in the front row, lucky me!! :D The whole meeting consisted of a the police officer stating the regulations in Chinese, and them being translated into English, which took ages, and can essentially be summed up to, “Follow Chinese law”, “Don’t pick things up off the floor” (there is scam in China that you pick something up from the sidewalk, and then someone claims it is theirs and that you stole it ect), and “Shenzhen is the most safe city in all of China (yeah okay ;)  ) Then the meeting ended and we were finally free until dinner, and we were then able to celebrate before the Contract Signing Ceremony tomorrow!! Oh and I almost forgot to mention, I (and most of CTLC) finally got phones!!! Although it is a cheap and small phone (ironically, the exact same phone I got from tracfone in the states), it works and will allow us to connect with one another, when we head to our respective schools. J

Day 3: August 23rd- Contract Signing Ceremony

Finally the day has arrived where we get to meet our contact teacher (the person essentially assigned as our translator/babysitter) and possibly our school headmaster or another representative. I have been placed at Shenzhen Number One Vocational School of Science and Technology, along with a British girl, Catherine Hughes (who I hadn’t talked with at all before) The Ceremony started at 10 AM and we all headed over there and entered the hall, to mass chaos. There were Chinese teachers everywhere, waving pictures of their foreign teachers, or huge bouquets of flowers, as the looked for the foreign teacher!! I was in the third row from the front, and it took awhile to get up there, and then I found my contact teacher, whose name is Tiffany, and was had a massive bouquet of flowers, that was half my size. Tiffany was there with one of the three vice-headmasters from my school. I had to put the flowers in a chair next to me, as they wouldn’t fit on the table, and then Catherine arrived. Catherine seems really nice and hopefully we will get along, as we are living in the same apartment together! Then the ceremony began and we listed as the contract was literally read verbatim in Chinese and English, along with a couple speeches and then we sign all four copies of the contract (2 in English, 2 in Chinese, so that everyone would get a copy) After the ceremony we put the flowers in the minivan that was waiting to take us to the school, and went to the restaurant for the banquet. Eating was a little awkward, as it is honestly really hard to be graceful with chopsticks!! Then we finally collected our bags from our rooms and headed down to the van to see our new apartment!!

Me, Vice Headmaster Qiu, and Catherine (oh, and our massive flowers)

We arrive at the apartment, which is located in the Meilin area of Futian District, as we have an off-campus apartment. I’ll discuss more about our apartment in a separate post J (trust me, it will be worth it!) We then went from the apartment and headed to our school to fill out some paperwork, before going to the police station to register. So here’s a little more about our contact teacher, Tiffany. Tiffany is about 27 years old, single, and lives in the teacher dorms on campus. She has pretty good English, and has been super nice, if not super knowledgeable, because she is new to being a contact teacher. Which leads me to why we spent about 4 hours in an office, as Tiffany attempted to get all the paperwork we needed together. Then around 4:30 PM we get to head to our local police station to register, only to be told that we don’t have the right paperwork, and that we should come back tomorrow… seriously!!! Aghhh! However, then Tiffany had the driver take us to our closest grocery store (which is a Carrefour [the French version of Wal-Mart, if you haven’t heard of it before]) There we were able to pick up some basic cleaning supplies, water bottles, food and toilet paper, and then walked home (which only takes maximum 15 minutes) After this Tiffany left, after telling us that the driver would pick us up at 8:35 AM tomorrow, for more fun paperwork, and we were finally able to relax. Catherine and I were starving, so we headed out to look at the local restaurants, and after wandering around decided to eat at a nearby Ajisen Ramen (and it was delicious!!)

Me, Tiffany (my contact teacher), and Catherine (and again, our massive flowers!)
PS: I feel like a giant next to Tiffany, since I am wearing flats, 
and she is wearing, at least, 4 inch heels in this picture!

Day 4: August 24th- Paperwork Round Two L

Ok so today began, with an early wake-up and shower, before heading down to meet Tiffany and the driver. Once in the car, we promptly headed back to the school, for more paperwork, during which Catherine and I simply sat on a couch and watched… exciting… Then when we were oh so close to being done with the paperwork, we couldn’t find the right person to sign it, so we had to wait until after the lunch and nap period to meet him.

*NOTE: In China there is this strange (at least to Americans, and British people) custom where after lunchtime, from 1-2, everyone in China takes a nap and everything essentially shuts down. We don’t know why this happens, when it began, or why it continues, but that’s how it is, and it can get realllly inconvenient at times.

Anyways, during the naptime, Tiffany took us to the MixC mall where we were able to walk around, get a nice lunch, and essentially kill time until the leader (that’s what Tiffany calls him) and the school driver were available. Once we finally had the proper paperwork, we returned to our ‘friendly’ local police station. They took care of our paperwork, with only the minor mishap of confusing Catherine and I. (Please note, that I have am 5’5” with blondish-red hair and a roundish face[as the picture they got with the paperwork indicated] while Catherine is about 5’7” with brown hair and a thinner face) So how they confused us, we’re not sure…

Then from the police station, thankfully over with, we headed to a nearby Bank of China to set-up our Chinese bank accounts, before we have to relinquish our passports to the Education Bureau for visa processing. The visit to the bank was interesting, as we signed up for basic accounts, which essentially let us just use the ATM’s, however it took forever to sign-up!  The guy who helped us was really nice, and Tiffany was able to translate, but it took a long time, and we had to input our pin about a million times, but now we are official members of the Bank of China, where our salary will be directly deposited J

Following the bank visit we had one final stop to make, at the Education Bureau to drop off our passports and the rest of our paperwork, so we could get a multiple entry visa to China (allowing us unlimited access to Hong Kong!!!) Of course once we finally found the place and they started to check our paperwork we discovered that Tiffany hadn’t made enough copies for both myself and Catherine, so she would have to return the next day with enough forms, which definitely sucked for her L (but at least we didn’t have to go too, for which I was secretly relieved) Then we were finally able to head back to our apartment and start to settle in. Oh, and we learned that we won’t start teaching until September 10th, since the school is still under construction, or I guess I should say reconstruction lol! However, this means I have a mini-vacation!! Albeit one where I cannot go anywhere, as I don’t have a passport, oh woe is me! Jk, it gives us time to get to know Shenzhen and I cannot wait!!

So this guy is pretty important in the Education Bureau, although I'm not sure who he is, or what he does, but he made us feel victorious!! (Note the hand holds please, lol)