Friday, August 24, 2012

One Memorable Train Ride ;)

Ok so now for the 24-hour train ride with over 100 of my new closest friends from CTLC! We made it by bus to the train station and unloaded there to form a line and get all of our tickets. Due to the issue of each ticket having to match our passport, CTLC did the tickets in alphabetical order and that would be how we slept on the train. I was pretty excited, because I knew some people who would be by me, and I was even happier when I saw that I was assigned the lower bunk. Getting a lower bunk means that you are able to sit up while in bed, and don’t have to navigate the ladder or foot pegs to your bunk. We went through the train station ticket checks and security, which is normally pretty annoying and even more so in a huge group, but it went rather quickly. Then the whole group gathered by the entrance to platform 10, which attracted quite a few looks from all the other passengers, sees this massive group of foreigners! Since we actually made it on time (and trust me, everyone was surprised by that) and we were all able to swarm the nearby McDonalds for food. After waiting for about half an hour, we were able to board the train, and they actually let CTLC board first, because we were such a large group. I found my bed quickly and was excited to start the journey and get some sleep finally!!!

            Lights out is 10 pm on the train, and most people were ready to finally catch some shuteye after the hectic time in Beijing. One guy in our bunk was still not back when the lights went out, and I kinda just assumed he was playing cards or whatever with some other people… little did I know. Fast forward to a little after midnight, when I woke up to a rain sound, and roll over to see the guy in the middle bunk hanging from the bed peeing on the girl’s blanket beneath him… which she was asleep under. Both of us quickly woke up, and I exited the compartment area quickly, while Caroline (the girl who had essentially just been peed on) scrambled to the corner of her bed. We told the guy to stop, and he turned managing to straddle the two lower beds (mine and Caroline’s)… and then continued to pee on the floor… through his pants (which I guess is better than whipping ‘it’ out). This kid was sooo drunk that he pissed through his pants and then just stood there straddling our beds for 15 minutes, as we attempted to get him down, with the help of another guy. When we finally got him down, the guy from the hallway managed to take him to the toilets, which are squat toilets, and allowed us to clean up the compartment. Caroline was able to get new sheets from one of the train attendants, and we managed to clean most of it up with toilet paper. Meanwhile some guys were taking care of the drunk guy, and they said they would let him sober up some more, and that we could go to sleep. So we went back to sleep and they brought him back about an hour later (in new shorts), and he promptly passed out until morning.

            Cue wake up to Chinese music and noise, as everyone apparently gets up at 8 am.  Everyone in our car woke up, and the drunk kid got down and asked to sit on Caroline’s bed, and was shocked when Caroline said no… probably because he had no idea what he did that night!! >_<  When he was told, he just said oh and walked off, without so much as an sorry or is there anything I can do… seriously dude! Basically for the next 12 hours of the train ride we never saw him, but everyone in the train probably heard the story by the end of the ride lol! The rest of the ride was spent playing cards, talking to people and taking naps, and it passed relatively quickly. While it was definitely not the most relaxing ride, it was certainly memorable for the sheer stupidity of some people and the good times with others!!

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